Talk to us for longer! Customer Care opening hours 8am - 8pm

The opening hours for the Madasafish Customer Care lines have been extended to 8am - 8pm, every day of the week, including weekends and bank holidays*.

This means you will have much more time to ask questions about your account, sign up for new features or added services such as Madasafish Talk, and the flexibility to call us outside normal working hours.

Just call us on 0844 395 0830, and one of our advisers will be happy to help you. Alternatively you can use our online Contact Us tool to get in touch.

Our technical support lines will remain open as usual, on 0844 395 0830.

Before you call us though, check out our help pages, as they may well contain the answer to your question. These pages have been designed as a comprehensive, user-friendly resource with easy-to-follow instructions on a range of topics.

*but excluding Christmas and New Year's Day

Customer Care: 0844 395 0830 or 0345 140 0200 (7 days a week, 365 days a year)
Technical Support: 0844 395 0830 or 0345 140 0200 (7 days a week, 365 days a year)
Calls to our 0844 support number cost 6p per minute plus your phone company's access charge.
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